
Showing posts from 2019

New Year's Eve

It's New Year's eve!! Time to bring in the new year, all brand new days and a new decade, 2020 here we come! I'm very much looking forward to this new year! It's full of all new opportunity, growth, new adventures and memories with family! This year-we spent most of it searching for the perfect house -then we fell in love in July with and bought our first home in a town we far longed to be in and started new memories and traditions within it's four walls. We spent our first summer by the ocean in our new home and dragged home seashells, drift wood and piles of sand in our clothing and made memories to last 1000 summers. We surfed the waves and searched for sea glass in the sand. We sledded down hills, threw snow balls and drank hot cocoa sprinkled with candy cane. We woke up to the magic of being a child on Christmas morning and then got to experience the not so magic of being an adult and clean up the mess of Christmas morning. We've traveled near and far

8 Trips around the sun

12/23/19 Darling boy, While everyone is busy bustling around getting ready to celebrate our Lord’s birth with Christmas lights around every corner,  music playing from every shop, traveling near and far and experiencing the magic in this holiday season, today we stop to celebrate our middle child! Today we step away from the bustle of the loud, busy world to celebrate you! Today we embrace you! Today we are thankful for special you and celebrate the day you were gifted into this world! Just like that, you've taken 8 trips around the sun, you must be tired because you did those 8 trips fast! Even if I've only been around for half of them, they have been some of the best years of my life watching you grow and learn and being there to direct you in the right direction, even though you think you already know everything! It’s not always easy, I've gone through my share of tears, fights and heartbreaks, but loving you has always came easy. I'm glad we are family, I’m

Busy Fun

What a great, busy week we had! Last Wednesday we snuck out of the house after it got dark and walked through the town which was lit up with paper lanterns along the sidewalks and we went down to the snow covered park and went sledding. What a blast that was. Thursday night we got to take a ride on the North Pole Express and bring our cousin Roman. We wore our pajamas and slippers, ate cookies and hot cocoa, sang and danced to Christmas music and we got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Claus! What a fun time!    Saturday we went out and got our Christmas tree and later that night went to the play "Annie Jr" with my niece and two nephews playing in it. They did a great job! Sunday we packed two vans and my little car- full of 24 people and headed to NJ to the medieval times to have a feast and watch some jousting. It was my father in law's birthday. The kids were on the edge of their seats the entire tim