A letter to my son on his 6th birthday

 A letter to my son on his 6th birthday 10/3/19

Camden Joseph. My blue eyed and blonde hair little ball of energy. HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY to you! How did that happen? I knew today would come so quickly, you’re 5th birthday crept up on me, but like most good moments, they move too quickly and are gone before you can blink your eyes, and here we are, I have a 6 year old, I am a mother to a 6 year old! My baby boy is 6!

BUT as a big boy you may seem, I am so very thankful that you still like to crawl in my bed and cuddle with me in the middle of the night (even if you are almost as big as me), you have to sit next to me at the dinner table, pick me flowers and kiss me goodbye every time we part. I never knew what to do with a boy, seeing I never had any brothers, but I think I’m rocking it.

I love you. I love how you love me. I love how you love the man I love and never even thought anything of it, I love you for that, I love you for letting him into your world. I love how you love your siblings and you guys just have your own little world, anyone would be lucky to be part of it. As much as you fight, I know you have each other’s backs and when your brother isn’t home you have a hard time sleeping alone in your room because you trust him to protect you down on the bottom bunk. You love your family so much and I hope that never changes.

You have your heart so set on being a policeman when you grow up, no matter what you choose- I know you’ll do great things: as long as you stop dressing yourself in gym shorts and cowboy boots. ðŸ˜‰ You always know how to make us laugh. You love your bike and swimming and just took off doing both like you knew what you were doing. You love reading books with me and running, man can you run. You can be fearless, some things do scare you, but once you do it once and realize it’s not scary, but fun- there is no stopping you the next 10876 times. You can’t wait to know how it feels to lose your first tooth- we still have some firsts to accomplish. You don’t care what anyone thinks of you and do things to the beat of your very own drum.

When I first got to hold you, the first thought I had was how big your whole 7lb 15oz little body was laying there on me, well here we are now and six seems SO very big, but you will always be my little boy and there will always be room for your small body to lay on me.

One hand won’t do anymore, now you’ll need to count on both for your age. Here is to another year of knowing, loving and being loved by you!

Love Always, 


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