Books and Yard Work

Yesterday Addy and I took a nice October stroll down to the book store near our house and looked through tons of books. She found two and I found a Halloween one for the boys, which I was kinda going for. We then sat down and enjoyed a cookie and each others company before walking back home. Ben was doing yard work so we tried to help him a little bit as much as we could. We are making our driveway bigger to fit all three of our vehicles and making the yard bigger for the kids to play. There is a lot going on in the yard since we bought the house back in June. There's a lot overgrown and just a lot of plants in general. We are keeping the raspberry bush which I love so much and replanting it in the back yard with the blueberry bush I planted. So the yard is a big mess right now, but it's definitely coming along and we are excited to see how it all turns out! We've been working hard all day today on it also. Four trips to the dump, cutting, weed wacking and raking and there is progress seen! We also went thrifting and found a few good treasures. And we found a FREE outside table and four chairs in perfect condition, so I'm excited to be able to use those! I found 5 seconds to decorate the front porch also! It's been a productive day! Now time to relax for a few minutes before we have to go grocery shopping!!

This is a cute book for my little guy to read. It's about a ghost who thinks he's alone in the house and come to find out he's not alone! It comes with stickers also! 
" There's a ghost in the house,
In the creepy haunted house,
On this dark, spooky night,
all alone.
And he goes slip-slide
With a swoop and a glide
Until suddenly he hears...

Addy found this sweet chapter book she hasn't put down ' If this were a Story"


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