Butter Dish

Yes, this is a post about a BUTTER DISH!

I have been looking for a BIG butter dish for months now. Not a small one, but a BIG one!! One that can hold one or even two sticks of butter at a time and not smear all over the sides when the the lid goes down and make a buttery mess everywhere. I've been searching and I FINALLY FINALLY found one worth buying and I'm super excited to add it to our home. $6.99 and I was SOLD!! I found this one at TJ Maxx, but as everyone that shops there knows, it's always hit or miss. It's a Belle Maison brand which I cannot seem to find anywhere on the great wide web. So I did the search for you and found this one  similar on amazon and it comes with a cute little wooded knife and knife holder. How adorable is that!  Or there is this one , but it's a bit pricey, but super nice.  Anyone else have any great butter dish finds?


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