In the beginning was the word......

As my previous posts have stated, we traveled on a plane to Wisconsin last Wednesday to spend time with family and attend Ben's cousin's wedding. I'll be posting pictures from our visit as well, but these are pictures from the wedding, which I wish I captured more of, but that just means we were having to much fun to bother with our phones!

It was really really REALLY cold and windy. The ceremony was suppose to be outside, but there was no way anyone could stand the wind so it ended up inside. It still ended up to be a nice ceremony.  It was great to see everyone! We got to enjoy the company of family we haven't seen in over a year and also the ones we see frequently. It was a good day of laughter, tears, family, love and drinking to much.

Ben's Uncle Paul was the officiant, so that was extra special and he did a phenomenal job! I wanted to share his speech he wrote and read at the ceremony, so I asked for a copy and he was extremely kind enough to share it with me and I was extremely blessed to receive it. Now I'd like to share it with you, share the story, share the way I felt hearing this the first, second even third time I read it!  (Scroll down to keep reading)

Holy Spirit-Inspired message to Amanda and Austin
On the occasion of their wedding
Paul J, Officiant
Oct 12, 2019

                                                                                                 (Not my photo)
"With the privilege of being your wedding officiant, I want to pull rank, and be the first to give you, Amanda and Austin, wedding presents. Here you are; each one of you are given a Bible from your Aunt Sherry and Myself. On the inside cover, Aunt Sherry has written important, thoughtful verses to you Amanda, and I have done the same for you in your Bible, Austin. This is not a token action that we are taking… not some nicey-nice gift meant for the coffee table or a decorative bookshelf. I ask you now, with all the seriousness that fits this occasion, that as you go forward in life, read it frequently, and habitually; with all seriousness, and pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to you as you study it. As you sign the marriage contract today, as you form this partnership critical to your success in life, you will need the words in this book to guide you, and comfort you, in the opportunities, and struggles, and surprises that life will throw your way. Amanda and Austin, I  cannot say this strongly enough, as your Uncle, as your chosen Officiant for this monumental step that you are taking, to hear my words, words that I wish I had listened to when I was first married.

Now; many of you here today may think oh, that’s nice… some old guy gave them a Bible. Others, whether you are Believers or not, may not care and dismiss this as just some old book full of words… After all, words don’t last and we’ll just say something nice and get on with the ceremony and the party. If you feel that way, I beg to differ…

Words are what separate us from the animals; they represent thoughts and principles; words build relationships, schools, churches, businesses, governments… and nations. They form agreements and contracts and words are what we will use to seal the deal between Amanda and Austin today.

Words Amanda and Austin will use in their marriage, or any marriage for that matter, are they Just Words?

“I love you” – just words?

“I missed you” – just words?

“My parents are coming over Saturday” – Well, I’m not really qualified to judge whether they are just words!

“No, you look great in that outfit” - now those may be just words!

“You need to talk to your son” – oh those aren't just words!

“How could you do this to me” – just words?

“Please forgive me” – Again…just words?

Amanda and Austin, as I wrote this message, I recalled an English professor I had in college my sophomore year. He was a proud man and proud of his profession, and on the first day of class he began by reciting the Gospel of John, Chapter one, Verse one:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God and the Word was God”

I ask all of you to think about this for a moment: In the Beginning was the Word… before any big bangs, any swarms of gasses, no slithering out of the muck. No!

In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

During rehearsal last night, we have had a lot of laughs about superheroes, and in fact it, has become kind of a sub theme to this entire wedding experience…
You know, there’s really only one superhero that defeats the enemy at all costs, every time, no matter who you are, or what you have done…

That’s the Word… Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Amanda and Austin, today you are about to say some history-making words to each other, words as solemn as John 1:1. They will not be just words! They will convey to all of us, and the world, that you two mean business when you stand here before the Lord your maker in just a few moments and essentially proclaim: “Father, this one is for me, forever!”

So, to all of you gathered here today, I ask you, as strongly as I can in the waning time I have as the officiant in this wedding: Lean on the words in this old book, this old owner’s manual, this old how-to book, this old guide on how to live life victoriously for dummies! Lean on these words both in good times and bad, and use them to guide your life, and marriage.

You see, if the words in this old book don’t mean anything, then the words that Amanda and Austin are about to say to each other won’t mean anything…

But, we will not worry about that today.

Because, after all, Amanda, because, after all Austin, in the Beginning, was the Word."


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