Landed Safely

I remember the days when I would watch you walk out of my life, and back to yours. I'd wait hours to get the phone call saying you landed safely. The days when we were 1000 miles apart. Different time zones. Where I couldn't see you, touch you, kiss you. When the closest we had to being next to one another was video chatting. Where I'd fall asleep on a phone screen filled with your face, longing to touch you, kiss you, hear your voice in person, feel your heartbeat and your breath. What I wouldn't give back then for just one second to be with you. Back when we lived off snapchat, phone calls, plane rides, packages, I miss yous and count downs. When we thought those days would never end. Days when we had no idea how we would make this work.

We take so much for granted. We get so caught up in the everyday life, we get so tired, cranky, overwhelmed, forgetful, lazy.

But here we are! Doing life together day in and day out. Like we never had a daily struggle living life apart. We did though. We became so close because of those days. My heart said that's the one and  jumped all in and waited for my brain to catch up and follow. You became my best friend before I even knew what your arms felt like around me. I fell in love with you before I even knew how perfect my hand fit in yours. We moved mountains and valleys to be together, to be right where we are now, standing where we are today. We have a beautiful family, own a beautiful home, kids we get to raise together that get to call themselves siblings, get to fight, laugh and make amazing memories. I get to wake up beside you every morning, and I get to snuggle up next to you and fall asleep in your arms stealing Eskimo kisses. You make me laugh more then anyone else, and I know you love when I laugh at your stupid jokes. I'm so proud of us. I love you. Whenever I start to doubt things, I remember where we started from. I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't want life without you in it. Thank you for believing so strongly in us, that you changed everything to be here every day with me. It’s safe to say, you and I have landed safely.

"You are the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence that I could ever possibly write"


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