Steady Yourself

   Steady Yourself 

Steady yourself, love

steady yourself
for victory is near 
Shut out the world 
with it's tyranny 
of noise
none of this matters now
Draw strength from
the vision the deepest 
folds of your soul
so longs for
For it is a song we all sing
Steady yourself, love,
upon my gaze
in this corridor
& waver not in the face
of the battle cry

We will not be beaten!

Lose not your faith now
for I need it to strengthen my own
and should your steps
falter, mine would
grow lonely in this
world of coal and roses

We are the living 

and the living 
must love the world
It is our duty
to fill our hearts
with all the anguish and joy
of our brothers and sisters
Steady yourself, love,
be strong beside me
and know that our
unrelenting gives them
dis-ease, and that
the clearer your mouth
raises itself in
songs of freedom
the more others will come to
warm themselves around
the flag of your faith
For our numbers grow
and soon will outweigh
their tattered armies
and I want your heart
to rejoice in its
inevitable victory


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