Sunday Morning Drive

“Sunday. A day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your blessings. Take a deep breath and relax. Enjoy your family, your friends, and a cup of coffee.”

Sunday morning we got to sleep in and take things slow. The kids were already awake when we woke up and we could hear them playing downstairs, one of my favorite sounds- only if they are actually getting along and not fighting.

We got up and got some sandwiches and coffee from a bagel shop nearby then took a drive down to a boat launch near our home that Ben grew up going to. The sun was shining and so bright and warm when we walked out the front door, but by the time we got down near the water it was windy and a little cold, so we took cover out of the wind near the bushes to eat.  Then Cam got to play with the electric truck his aunts got him for a birthday gift. It was nice to not be on anyone's time but our own.

It’s extra special getting to live in a town not only that we love, but where Ben grew up,  he can tell you where all the good hidden gems are and our kids get to live the rest of their childhood running around the same stomping grounds. It brings back a lot of memories for Ben that he gets to share with his family now.


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