The Strength In Our Scars
Mental Health.
I know I missed "Mental Health Day", but this is something that needs to be talked about more than just one day in October. This is something that needs awareness and education everyday. More than "40 seconds of action". Come on! I wanted to share this even more when recently I found out a beautiful young girl I know is suicidal. She reached out. She got help and her courage inspires me. What I would do to hold her tight and take her pain away.

So let’s talk about it for a second.
This has been sitting on my chest and weighing me down for far to long.
Something no one likes to talk about. We ALL have mental health. We all have highs and we all have lows, some lower than others. It's something that needs to be normalized. The way a cold is simply just that, normal, everyone gets a cold.
This is a far too sensitive subject.
You have a cold? You take medicine.
You have cancer? You get treatment.
You break a bone? You go get a cast.
You're diabetic? You take insulin.
You have a toothache? You go to the dentist and get it fixed.
You're pregnant? You go the doctor and get check ups.
You have a "normal" physical issue, you go get it treated. And NO ONE even bats a eye lash.
"Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden. It is easier to say, "My tooth is aching" than to say "my heart is broken"."
Far to many people with mental illness struggle alone in the dark. They want help, but they don't know how to ask for it. It's been such a taboo issue for so long. How do you tell someone you are not happy? How do you tell someone you are mentally in pain? How will they understand, or will they not understand at all? Will they laugh? Will I look weak? Will I always be this lonely? How do you tell someone you think something is wrong with your brain? It's hard to talk when you don't even know why you feel this way in the first place. There is no "snapping out of it".

I've been the one witnessed to mental health, the aftermath. The ones who lost their battles. The hurt from both sides. The guilt. So much guilt. The what if's. The whys? The anger. Being a 15 year old scared girl, falling to my knees at the news, not being able to breath, move. How could this be true? They made a mistake! What if?
Being the partner of someone you love, and them being a victim to a loved one losing their battle with this disease. What if and why? And what can I possibly do to make you stop hurting? This is a nightmare we will wake up from. Sitting in my car alone at the grocery store, afraid to get out, afraid to go in, afraid to go home because there just isn't anything I can do or say to help and I can’t watch you in that much pain. But you need me and I need to be there for you. I couldn't even imagine the pain.
"Depression doesn't play favorites. It doesn't look the same on everyone. And it's often a disease that no one, but the person going through it knows about"

I want my children to go through life knowing if they ever feel this way, its not their fault and there is help. I will support them every step of the way. I just hope if they reach out someone is listening. They need to live in a society where it is alright to reach out, they need to know it's normal to talk about this. Awareness needs to be raised so no one is afraid to ask for help. Life is hard, you are not a burden, you do not have to carry all your baggage alone.

Don't be afraid to ask for help!!! Depression and anxiety are liars, it is possible to be happy and people do care. I want to hear your story, I want your story to continue. It's time to start healing.
"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds"
Beautifully stated by a beautiful woman, mother and wife. The weird thing about depression is it is very common. Everyone and every living thing from the moment of birth experiences depression to some degree. From the tiny infant that feels hunger pangs and doesn't have any way to fix it until a bottle appears out of thin air to the lost of a family member or friend. Everyone knows to some degree what it feels like - briefly, yet chronic depression is largely misunderstood and hiden. It is an illness which requires treatment and understanding, it doesn't just go away with time. It seems to affect the warmest of hearts, kinest of spirits and the most caring and loving of souls. They are finding great results with CBD oils an d medications.
ReplyDelete<3 <3 Thank you for you're comment! It's amazing how many people have reached out to me because of this post, it means a lot and it just goes to show, you are never alone.