Wind and Rain

We had a bad storm last night with lots of wind and rain which unfortunately took out a lot of power. We lost power during the night, but were lucky enough to get it back on quickly before we got up for the day and it stayed on.
We woke up to a nice surprise on the front steps from my sister.

 I got 5 messages from the school saying there was a 2 hour delay, after the third I stopped listening. I got the kids already for school and made them a nice breakfast and had them gobble it up and we went to go to the bus stop when I realized we still had a hour. I luckily messaged Ben telling him that I got myself confused and was a hour a head, he informed me school was canceled. SURPRISE! I guess I should have listened to those last two messages. So we got a nice school day off. We took a drive down to the lighthouse to see how big the waves were. It was so so so windy, but the kids enjoyed running around for a few minutes. Now I am off to get ready for work!


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