Taking back my life.

Last week took its toll on me, mentally. I lost an entire day with my family because I couldn't get my emotions in check. Then all week I just couldn't pull myself out of the funk. I wasn't myself, I felt like I was getting swallowed up slowly.

I finally put my foot down and pulled myself out and stood strong and said this is enough! I made a doctors appointment and I asked for help and today I am excited. I am excited to start on Zoloft. It may not solve all my problems, but it's a stretch in the right direction. I am excited to start feeling like myself again. I'm excited because I asked for help after fighting alone for far to long. I'm excited to be open about my struggles and get support. I just couldn't do it anymore. It was affecting not just myself, but my family, the silent victims of this disease: anxiety and depression. Suffering because of me. Thank you for hanging in there. Thank you for being proud of me. Thank you. Thank you for telling me I had nothing to be sorry for.

There is no reason for me to feel so sad and anxious. I have everything I have ever wanted and I am so grateful for it. But I DO feel this way and someday's are harder than others and I want to cry all the time. When every little silly thing irritates me- and I don't know why! When I fight with my bf and snap at my kids. When there is so much to get done and no motivation or energy to get it all done. I'm ready to be happy again. I'm done hiding from this, it's too big of a secret to keep inside. I'm done pretending nothing is wrong. I'm ready to be happy and take back my life.


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