8 Trips around the sun


Darling boy,

While everyone is busy bustling around getting ready to celebrate our Lord’s birth with Christmas lights around every corner,  music playing from every shop, traveling near and far and experiencing the magic in this holiday season, today we stop to celebrate our middle child! Today we step away from the bustle of the loud, busy world to celebrate you! Today we embrace you! Today we are thankful for special you and celebrate the day you were gifted into this world!

Just like that, you've taken 8 trips around the sun, you must be tired because you did those 8 trips fast! Even if I've only been around for half of them, they have been some of the best years of my life watching you grow and learn and being there to direct you in the right direction, even though you think you already know everything!

It’s not always easy, I've gone through my share of tears, fights and heartbreaks, but loving you has always came easy. I'm glad we are family, I’m glad you’re father and I get to give you a home, siblings and the best life we can possibly imagine. I’m glad I get to help walk you through life. I love going on adventures with you and seeing where life brings us. You are so kind and sweet. You may have not came from my flesh and blood, but that doesn't make you any less mine. You fit in my arms, my life and my heart where there was always room to welcome you, I know it's a little cramped in there, but my love is so BIG. You are one of the best parts of me that I get to watch grow, mature, breath, smile and love. You are one of the four chambers of my heart that I get to hold tight in my arms. Watching you kids grow is one of the greatest pleasures in life.  My quiet, smart, distracted, creative, easy going little middle child. Thank you for loving me, thank you for letting me be your mom. I hope every year to come gets better and better than the last!! Happy 8th birthday to you!!!

All my love,
Mama Mandi

*He lost his favorite stuffed animal beluga whale at the airport on the way to Wisconsin in October- so this best-mom-ever found and ordered him one for his birthday. His face: pure joy!!*


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