When life gives you snow.....you make ice cream!!

When life gives you snow- well.....you make (kid approved) ice cream!!! I believe that at least once in your life you have to make ice cream from snow.

All you need is 5 simple ingredients that you probably have at home right now!

      -1/2 cup Milk
        -1/3 cup Sugar
                     -1 tsp Vanilla extract
          -A pinch of Salt
                       -8 cups of clean Snow

Mix 1/2 cup of any kind of milk in a big bowl with 1/3 of sugar- I used powder, but granulated is fine too. Add in 1 tsp of vanilla extract and 1 pint of salt. Whisk those ingredients together then add in 8 cups of snow and stir it up (make sure it's still fluffy and not runny) and enjoy! You can also add sprinkles or chocolate/ coffee/ strawberry syrup if you want! Now next time it snows you'll have a fun treat to make!


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