Toothaches, falls the flu oh my!
January has sure been interesting so far- is it over yet?
Three weeks ago I got my first wisdom tooth, that was causing an infection and a bad toothache extracted. I was nervous, but it literally took less than a minute to take out and it was done, no more pain! It didn't bother me at all after, no swelling, no pain. Just a hole in my gums, which of course makes it hard to chew on the left side. It's almost all healed now.
Then the night after I was unpacking a box that was pushed away in the spare room from moving and I took a few things out to carry downstairs and slllllipppp......I fell. I fell hard right down those stairs. Two bruised elbows and a bruised tailbone causing immense amount of pain which is still there unfortunately.
We got to make dinner and spend a evening hanging out with Ben's brother playing silly games and I got to go make a little lunch for my sister in law another day. I went over to spend a few hours with her and my two nieces. We ate fresh bruschetta and made fuse bead art, which the girls seemed to enjoy
A few weekends ago we had a friend over for the day. We hung out at home and then went swimming at the YMCA and had a big ol turkey leg dinner for supper! I've never had turkey legs before and man were they delicious!!! I recommend trying them. I believe Walmart has them seasonally (ours were a Christmas gift).

The past couple weekends we just stayed low, working on things around the house and Ben working on his truck. Last weekend the weather all weekend was just gorgeous for being January and a tease to a little preview of spring. Last Saturday Addy and I went to check out the local farmers market and found a few good treasures then we went and watched my niece and nephew swim in their swim team. Then my mom, dad, Addy and I went down and took a nice beach walk and collected seaglass and seashells along the way. It was a really good day.

This week we have been battling the flu, headaches and stomachaches and missed days from school.Hoping its over quickly and doesn't go to anyone else. That would be a miracle.
This weekend it snowed on Saturday and we got to go night sledding with Ben's brother and his family! So much fun. Then Sunday the temperature rose and the snow all melted, we got to get out of the house and go for a nice nature walk with my parents and we made them a nice salmon dinner.

Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day and the kids are off from school and we don't have many plans. Thinking about going to the thrift shop looking for treasures and then go to the pool for a little bit before Ben gets home and we have to meal plan, grocery shop and make dinner- adulting stuff.
I've been trying really hard to get the kids outside more and we started this 1000 hours outside challenge for the year. Hoping for 1-2 hours outside a day. It's really difficult with these cold winter days so even a half hour at a time works for us and hopefully we will be making up for the lost time in the spring, summer and fall days. The kids love being outside and even just for a walk around our park here in town works. I've also been trying to incorporate more nature into our lives so I put this book by Lynn Seddon together for the kids. It's full of poems, book references, activities for each season and goes week by week. I'm very excited to start this with the kids!!
The sun is shining down here and I can hear the birds singing from the naked trees surrounding our home, my feet are cold and it's time to refill the coffee mug and get dressed for the day. Have a wonderful day all!!

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