Heading into March

Our weekend. 
Filled with family, laughter and fun.

Saturday, dad had to work all day so I was brave and took all three kids to the aquarium. We spent hours walking around looking at the sea creatures. I have to say my personal favorites are definitely the beluga whales, octopus and I just love the jellyfish. Some of the beluga whales have the best personalities and like to play around with you through the glass, I could sit there for hours watching them if the kids let me.

 Every time we've been to the aquarium in the past the octopus was always hiding in the corner, but this time he put on a show for us and it was really really neat to see it. 

Saturday night we went to my father in laws for a February picnic, bonfire and smores! The kids played with their aunts, uncles and cousins and it was a good enjoyable time.

Sunday we knocked out grocery shopping in the morning and I got the boys new RC cars to play with outside and they were so excited to use them. We took the bunny and the cars down to the park for a little while in the afternoon. The boys can't wait to come home from school today to use them- the cars are charging up and waiting for them! 

Sunday night we had my parents and Ben's dad over for a nice salmon/ cod dinner and it was delicious! 

Today, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' Birthday and the kids are celebrating that at school. I made them some homemade t-shirts involving markers, matte gel and a printer. My first time transferring something onto a t-shirt, which was successful besides me using to much matte gel and it leaving a big white spot on the shirt, but we think it looks cool like that- so it was successful!! 

Hope you all enjoyed yourselves this weekend! The weather is warming up here and flowers are even starting to bloom. I am so excited for spring!!
"tOdaY yOu ArE yOu, tHaT iS tRUeR tHaN tRue......thErE iS nO OnE aLiVe mORe yOueR tHAn YoU!"
-Dr. Seuss


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