Home school adventures.
Home school week 1 was a big success, now we are diving right into week 2. Yesterday was rough. I was exhausted, freezing, not well prepared for the day and the kids were getting to me, but we all survived. Today instead of snow (we had flurries yesterday), the sun is shining and we got our daily walk in then tackled math, spelling words and some science experiments. Then we had creative time, now it's time for chores then playtime until dinner. We got this! I'm enjoying my kids at home, I'm enjoying spending all this time with them I wouldn't normally get. This virus is a terrible thing, but we are taking the positive out of it and will hold onto it for a lifetime. This is a time to slow way down and spend time as families and hold each other close. It's a time to figure out what you really need in life now that you can't run out and get what you thought you needed. It's a time to enjoy nature and fresh air and explore. A time to create. A time to do all those unfinished projects.
Have a great week and lets stay well, create some memories this week. <3

Have a great week and lets stay well, create some memories this week. <3
Building a leprechaun trap
Our milk is green!
RC Cars
Beach walk
Dad and the boys built a work bench and shelves for the basement
Rainy day walk
Very proud of the fort they built
Shrinky dinks
Science experiment

Walking water experiment
We made a clock
Our lego sundial
Sun printing
Air dry clay nature art
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