Social distancing from Corona Virus

Our norm has become watching the news in fear, hearing stories of China and Italy, watching for virus cases near us, going out in the craze so we can eat for a few weeks because everyone is taking EVERYTHING. Staying home, buying hand sanitizer, the last can of spam or toilet paper. Purifying the air in your house. Wearing masks and gloves. Cancelling all life's plans. Rationing food. Counting out how many meals you have in the house and still having the unsettled feeling of just not having enough and not being well prepared. Hoping that this is all a hype and we will have fully stocked grocery stores in a few days/ few weeks with no outrageous lines and less COVID-19 cases. (Update: According to Walmart- by midweek the shelves will be fully restocked. This makes me feel somewhat more at ease.)
I'm sure this will get worse before it gets better.

With all this chaos going on and the kids will be out of school for two weeks if not more indefinitely- we are taking it one day at a time. I have decided to self quarantine us as much as I can, except for work. Which I am a nurse in a nursing home and hopefully I will stay safe and we will not be mandatory quarantined at anytime. Luckily I am per diem and only work 1 to 2 days a week. I want to be home with my family as much as I can. My family is my #1 concern at this time and I will do what we can to prevent them being exposed or spreading this virus.

There was a positive COVID-19 case down the road from us at a elementary school so this all got really close, real and scary.  We will be doing some online schoolwork and worksheets from home to keep a schedule. We will also get to do a lot of crafting, board games and hopefully more fun stuff around our home. I cant lie, I'm happy my kids will be home with me. I hate knowing that someone else gets to spend more time in the year with them then I do. I know the schools were doing all they could to keep the school clean and germ free- I even sent hand sanitizer and hand wipes to school to help, and Lysol for the bus, but I like knowing I can tell them to wash their hands and keep their hands away from their faces and that they aren’t around a million other people. Hopefully we can get some walks in and play in the yard and get lots of fresh air and sunshine, as long as it doesn't compromise us.

With the craze, as everyone well knows the stores are out of stock of a lot of  things. I had to go shopping two days in a row and become part of the craze just so I knew we would have food for the next few weeks. The virus doesn't scare me so much, don't get me wrong we don't want it! I don’t want anyone with a compromised immune system to get it either.  But it's not knowing if we will have enough food, or how long this will continue that scares me. It’s the way people are reacting that scares me. It’s the people that think they are larger then life and can go out and do what they want and don’t care if THEY get it, but don’t realize- they can carry it and spread it to someone that won’t survive. Now is not the time to not care, now is not the time to be selfish. And of course I'm worrying about my furry bunny having fresh veggies on hand. I hope with the closure of schools, business' and all the other activities the spread of this virus will subside quickly.

I think about all the people that won't be having money come in if business' get shut down or people aren't going out, the elderly not seeing their families, the doctors and nurses that are the last line of defense, the ones lying in hospital beds alone because no visitors are allowed, the people living pay check to pay check and getting paid-just to see the shelves are bare.

The kids play for the end of March was canceled which is a big bummer. Addy has never worked on anything so hard in her life and I handmade their costumes. Seems like it will hopefully be rescheduled to a later date and continue as planned. It's a good thing though. Canceling all activities so crowds don't gather and spread this horrible virus.

In the meantime I have been cleaning and purging a lot of stuff in this house. I have a huge pile to go to goodwill. Ready for a cleaner, organized, decluttered home-and life. Spring cleaning in full force. The boys have been outside most the day having a great time playing in the yard with trucks, frisbees, paper airplanes and climbing on a pile of branches cut from a tree that fell in the last storm and amping up their immune systems getting dirty and fresh air in their lungs to fight off anything. Sunshine is the best disinfectant and anti-anxiety medication.

I hope everyone is taking precautions and staying safe.
Stay home if you can. Even if you don't have symptoms- you can be a carrier.

Here are our pictures the last few weeks and I added a nice daily schedule for kids at home from school that I saw on facebook.

"We have an obligation to each other, I think, more than ever before. How I behave affects you and how you behave affects me.” -Dr. Sanjay Gupta CNN Chief Medical Correspondent 

Our evening beach walk

Our trip to Providence Donut shop and plant shop 

Eating the Friday the 13th donuts with white chocolate knife

Some random life

Some bunny love

Some cleaning and goodwilling and first day in self quarantine 


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