Easter 2020

Easter this year will be different.
No gatherings outside of immediate family that live in our home.
No church in progress.

This year we are still celebrating our savior's empty tomb, but we celebrate a little more quieter.
With full tummies and longing hearts.

This year things like eggs, are scarce and we are learning to make do with everything we already have or what we can find-because a trip to the grocery store is just a nightmare.

We picked wild daffodils from a meadow and made our own bouquet since we couldn’t go anywhere to buy beautiful Easter flowers. We love the smell of hyacinths, but daffodils have been a great substitute. To our surprise we found a hyacinth growing in the front yard this morning!!

We woke up to the excitement of beach pails left on the kitchen table full of candy and little mouths begging to eat some chocolate. Dad and I hid eggs and watched as the kids found, and needed help finding them all. The smell of bacon and cinnamon buns is filling up the house and the sun is shining brightly through every window. 

In this time of quarantine may you find some rebirth and regrowth. May we take this and all it’s ugly and be reborn with the new. May we be awaken with the spring time when it is our time to re-emerge into the world. May we bloom like a flower reaching toward the sun. This is our new beginning and the rebirth of our soul. May you not take life for granted. May you slow down and enjoy this quiet time we have. We will rise again when our time comes and be embraced by the arms of our loved ones.

Happy Easter!!


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