Our Easter Weekend Photo Dump
Easter Day 2020
Despite not being able to be with family on Easter which was my sister's birthday this year too, Easter was a really good day!
We colored eggs Saturday night and planted our jelly beans so they could "bloom" into lollipops.
We woke up Easter morning and had a Easter egg hunt.
We had breakfast of bacon, colored boiled eggs and cinnamon buns!
We went for a walk in the woods at one of our new favorite spots.
We drove by my sister's house singing Happy Birthday.
We hung out at home and made Easter dinner with all the trimmings.
We went for a walk after dinner down near the ocean and the kids ended up getting in and getting their feet wet.
Then we had pie!
The kids seem so much happier and childlike through this all and I'm loving every moment. The sun is shining after a day of constant rain, but you know what they say-“April shower’s, bring May flowers. So we will be getting outside and soaking up the sunshine on this beautiful April day. Stay well all!!
A surprise in the mail from my grandma (Grandy) who we usually spend Easter with.

Quarantine cousins social distancing Easter photo 2020

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