We are suppose to be in this together.

We are suppose to be in this together. 

While you sit there and complain about getting your temp checked at the grocery store once in awhile (like that’s the biggest problem right now) someone is sitting in a hospital bed with alarms ringing in their ears and tubes attached to them, someone else is getting ready to intubate a patient for the 100th time because their lungs stopped working on their own, hang their 1000th IV bag or call time of death on the patient they tried to save doing CPR for 30 minutes. As you're hanging out with your friends and siblings that don’t live with you- a nurse is scrubbing herself clean and praying she’s clean enough so she can kiss her family goodnight. As you're visiting your parents and grandparents some of us haven’t seen theirs in over a month because they couldn’t bear the thought of getting them sick because they have a compromised immune system. While you're out there having play dates for your kids, some of us haven't seen ours in weeks and only get to visit standing outside through a window to protect them.

I showed up for work and took my temp like we do EVERY time we work. I wore my homemade mask for 9 hours, itching and sweating. I received an admission from a hospital with positive covid19 cases and yes, I was scared. Every person we admit is treated like they have the covid19 virus and they are quarantined for 14 days. We have to gown up, mask up, glove up to go in this room. The mere fact that we have patients in our facility that we have tested for covid19 is real and scary enough without having the virus active in our facility. I wore these scrubs through a 9 hour shift. Six feet social distancing requirements do not apply while wearing these scrubs, because then I wouldn't be doing my job. These scrubs come in contact with body fluids, ruled out covid19 cases and perhaps someone who is carrying it unknown. Do you know where these scrubs go at the end of the day? I wear them into my car then they come home with me, to my house, to my family. I am not afraid to get covid19 symptoms. Yes, I’m healthy. What scares me is getting it and not being able to see my kids for 14 days. What scares me is if I bring it home and infect my family, my children. What scares me is that my child can't fight it and will be intubated and I will have to watch. My fear is that my dad with heart disease will get it and I won't get to be with him and he automatically becomes a DNR. This is why we quarantine. This is why we social distance. This is why my kids haven't hugged their cousins in over a month. This is why we leave our shoes on the front door step and strip off our work clothes in the basement. This is why no one is allowed in my house or near my children. This is why my children aren't allowed in one single store or allowed to touch that park bench.  I will continue to show up for work, I will continue to show up for my residents, co-workers and community, knowing that the positive covid19 numbers are still climbing. Just because you have not been personally affected doesn't mean it's ok. Stop thinking your American rights are violated- this isn't just America, this is a global pandemic. We all need to do our part, your part is staying home and flattening the curve. 


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