Dear Class of 2020

We are all grieving. Grieving for the graduates of 2020. Who will never get the celebration to graduate kindergarten, middle school, high school or college, attend prom or their class trips. Never get to be crowned prom queen or be valedictorian at graduation after all their hard work. 

We are all globally grieving. Alone, but together. Some of our lives probably haven't changed to much and others drastically. Some of us will miss moments they can never get back.  

I am sad for my daughter. She may not be a high school senior, but this was suppose to be a big year for her. She never got to be in her first play, that she practiced to no end to memorize all her lines. She never worked so hard in her life for anything. She will miss her 5th grade graduation, the stepping stone into middle school, the completion of elementary school. A monument of becoming a “big kid”. They were to be the very first graduates at their brand new school. This was suppose to be her last full year in school with both her little brothers. She won’t get to see her friends before she enters a new school combining two/ three other schools of kids she doesn't know.  As this will sure be an unforgettable time that no one will forget, we grieve.

I am sad for my daughter that she will not have a 11th birthday celebration with her family and friends, as we will do the best we can with what we have to make her day special and make her feel loved.  

I am sad that my kids can't play with the neighborhood kids and we have to ask them to leave our yard. I'm sad my kids just want to be kids and have interactions with other kids, but that isn't safe right now. 

I am sad for my niece who lost out on her 8th grade class trip. She lost out on her 8th grade graduation, making her journey into high school feel "offical". She will get to walk the hall of her school one last time, alone. She won't get her family cheering her on in the stands, embarrassing her. She missed out on her confirmation, the commitment and initiation into her catholic faith.  

This virus took so much from you. The world stopped spinning for some. 
This wasn’t how your senior year, kindergarten year, 5th grade year or 8th grade year was suppose to be. 
For some parents this may be your first born child to graduate or it may be your very last or only.

I've enjoyed all this time with my kids, but in our gain, these kids have lost. We will grieve these loses. These once in a life time ceremonies that they can never get back. These milestones and this time of life they will never have again. We will grieve for all the classes of 2020. We hear you, we see you and we are also grieving with you. 

"Dear High School Seniors of 2020,
You were born when the world was grieving over 9/11.
And you are graduating as the
world grieves a pandemic.
Although your two biggest launches into freedom
(birth and graduation)
Have taken place in the midst of tragedies...
Just know that the world is 
An amazing, loving, beautiful place.
And it is waiting for you with open arms.
We grieve with you
That your senior year is ending this way.
But we can't wait to see how you overcome and soar.
You were made for this."

CLASS OF 2020 <3 


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