Addison's 5th Grade Graduation Parade 2020

Middle school here she comes!
I remember dropping you off that first day of preschool.
I was about 8 months pregnant with your brother.
I walked you to the door and watched you walk down the big hallway with your new teacher.
You looked back at me,
scared and tears building up in your eyes.
You tried to run for it back to me,
and all I wanted to do in that moment was hold you,
but your teacher kept walking you forward.
I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or just me,
but I cried.
I cried the entire four hours you were gone.
I laid in bed and cried.
I counted down the minutes til I could get back in my car and pick you up.
I missed you and was worried about you.
I was letting my first born go out into the world, without me.

Now here it is 7 years later and today, we celebrate your education and your promotion to the 6th grade!
Today, you no longer are an elementary school student. 
Today, you start the journey to becoming a big kid and no longer a little one.
Today, no longer will you walk the same halls as your little brothers.
I still miss you when you're gone and it's still hard to let you go, but I know you'll do just fine and can take care of yourself and always come right back home to my arms.
With everything we've been through, you have adapted and settled into new roles without complaints and I'm sure middle school will be good to you!
Keep that big heart and smile.
Wishing you all the luck on this new journey ahead!
We are so proud of you!
Congrats class of 2020!


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