Father's Day 2020

What a great day we had on Sunday, Father's Day- and it was my mom's birthday!
It was such a full day of fun, water, sun, food and family!
The last few years we have had Father's Day at the beach with Ben's family- 10 siblings, Pa, us in laws and the grand kids! It was the first time getting together with them since COVID happened. Then we ended the day with a cook out at our house with my parents and sister's family and our cousin Roman who we haven't seen in awhile and we missed him!
The kids definitely had a blast by the way they fell asleep so quick. 

Here is us celebrating some of the special people in our lives!

To my love 💗
Here are the best little pieces of you. You were born for this. You were born to be a dad. Not just a dad- a great dad. That’s you! Thank you for being my partner in raising these three little monsters! I couldn’t have picked anyone better!! Thank you for choosing them everyday, these little pieces of you. Thank you for helping me spoil them and give them a childhood they will take with them forever.

It’s your day and you have still been the glue to hold us all together getting everything done!

I love you for all your hard work, patience, sense of humor, passion and love you give to the world and us! These kids do not know how lucky they are, but I do! Happy Father’s Day!!! Xoxo

Happy Father’s Day to these amazing guys who teach me something new everyday.


To my dad ❤️
The one who gave me this crazy curly hair, but forgot to give me his metabolism- thanks lol. The one I share the same twisted sense of humor and love for the unloved things- like the side of the road trash “oh I can do something with that!” You taught me that you can’t take life to serious. The one who made me fall in love with frozen cokes from Burger King. Thank you for being an amazing grandfather! You can do no wrong to these kids! We love you so much!

To my bonus dad, my father in law ❤️

 In you I find a friend I never knew I needed. A kind, gentle, patient, humble man who I get to learn from. From you I learn about family, love and to see the best in people! Thank you! And thank you for raising such an amazing man for me and my kids! We love you so much!

I hope to share many more Father Days with you both!!!

To my mom on her birthday💓

My best friend. As the years go by and we both get older, we grow closer. Someday things will be different, someday you won't be around to just call up when something funny happened, or I need to vent. So right now, I will cherish every birthday, every mother's day and all the other holidays with you. I will continue to make memories to take with me forever and that my kids can look back on. Today we celebrate you (and the dads lol) Thank you for listening and (mostly) always being on my side, and calling me out when I need it. Thank you for your sense of humor and generous heart and loving the more simpler things in life and giving me those same qualities, even when they can be a downfall. 

The room lights up with you in it!

Happy Happy birthday!!

Happy Father's Day to this guy!
Spoiled mama 💕
 The end of a long day


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