Happy Birthday My Love

To my love,
My best friend.
My soulmate.
 The world's greatest gift to me.
The one I waited and waited for my entire life,
 then got tired of waiting for,
 so I just found you myself.
And how lucky I was on that day!
What a better place it's been since.
My life, is so much better and changed because of you. 

Today is your day!
I hope you laugh.
I hope you rest.
I hope you find joy.
I hope your belly is full and your mind clear.
I hope you feel loved. 

You are one incredible human being.
You have so much passion
so much love
so much knowledge
so much loyalty
so much dedication
so many bad jokes and dance moves (lol)
and I don't know how you put up with me some days- I mean I am pretty awesome most days. 

You make the world a better place just by being you and living in it. I can’t even begin to tell you how lucky I am you are in my life. I was always searching for you, always you. 

I’m thankful for you and your day of birth and I plan on celebrating at least 60 more with you! 

I'd give you the moon, sun and all the stars if I could (because you deserve it-duh)
but for right now, I'll keep reaching and spend the rest of my days trying. 
I hope you have a fantastic day! Happy 32nd (34th or whatever you wanna be today) birthday!! I love you to the furthest moon and back again. 


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