

Quietly and gently colliding into May.
Taking over the days,
making them longer,
making them warmer.
Filling days with the sound of laughter,
The smell of fire,
fresh cut grass,
The feel of a cool wind coming off the salty ocean passing by
 sun kissed skin.
Grass gliding between bare toes.
The taste of sweet watermelon,
the juice dripping down little hands.
Dirty, sticky, happy kids,
wrinkled finger and toes,
sun bleached hair,
dark freckles,
Little feet pedaling fast,
picking flowers,
trampoline jumping,
running into waves.
ice cream licking.
Fresh air in their lungs,
from a long day outside,
until the sun goes down
and shadows dance
and little eyes
fall asleep fast.

This is childhood unplugged.
Painting a picture of kids playing outside,
being kids
with their one childhood.

These days call for front porch sitting.
Long days turning into nights turning into endless memories.
Reading a good book on the hammock swinging life away.
Cold drinks and warm sun.

These will be the days. 
The days we live for.
The days we will long for in the future.
These will be the days.



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