Sun breaking through the clouds

The sun is playing peek a boo behind the clouds,
shining strong when it does break through.
After a few days of (much needed) rain and thunder storms.
Children are begging to go in the pool,
mom begging to finish her tea in peace.

I have to run to work this morning and get mandatory covid19 testing done.
Then I will spend the afternoon poolside, probably with some cold coffee drink in one hand and a book in the other
while the kids splash around.
And then some unappealing grocery shopping in the future later today.
I'm missing Ben and wish he could enjoy this day with us,
he is such a hard worker, I'm so proud of him and wish I could do more to help.
So I'm looking forward to an entire relaxing weekend with him this week.

Yesterday we spent the day with our dear friends. 
We ate to much,
probably drank to much
and most definitely had fun.

It's July.
I hope this is a good month to us all. 
I hope the sun continues to break through all these clouds in life. 


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