A view into my life the last few weeks

It's been so hot. The beaches are packed, so we have been avoiding them during the day (downfall of living where people vacation). It's to hot to walk to the park or anywhere for that matter. So life seems pretty repetitive right now. We did get to go see my brother in law launch his sailboat in the salt pond for the first time and Addy and my niece got to row in it. We've been hanging out with cousins and we made fish tacos for the first time- thanks to our friend we had fresh fish and the recipe, and man did they come out delicious!! We are trying to get our boat in the water before the end of summer, been jumping through hoops with the DMV. And I finally got to take the kids to the carousel 10 minutes down the road. I've been wanting to take them since last summer, but that part of town gets really busy in the summer and you never know if there will be parking, but we went later at night and it wasn't to bad and we even got ice cream and two free rides!

 I'm off to finish my coffee and be walked by my sister's families dog we are dog sitting. 


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