Dear Rory on your 1st Day of HS

This pretty little niece of mine starts high school today!

Dear Rory,

I’m in shock and speechless. I’m so proud of the person you are and continue to become. You were the first little baby I gave my heart to. The first I loved as my own. I watched you grow and change and live. Missing the days of you holding my hand, crawling up on my lap and wearing dresses and bows I’d buy you, but now I have a life long friend in you. 

You are full of life and adventurous. You can light up a room. Sunshine follows you around and you always have a song in your heart. 

You will walk through those school doors today still a child giggling with your school girl friends and in four short years you will walk back out an adult, probably gone through some heartbreaks, tears, but some of the best days too. You will walk out those doors excited and scared and ready to face the world on your own. Today you focus on your very first year of high school, but before we know it you will be focusing on the last and where you want to be and what you want to do next. 

I'll leave all the hard stuff for your mom to figure out, but if you need me, don't be afraid to run to me.

Have an amazing first day and year of high school! 

I love you!! 


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