Hello Fall

Summer came to an abrupt stop. Not a slow fade into fall, but abrupt. It’s gone. There is that cool, refreshing chill in the air, even when the warm sun is shining on your skin. The nights are cold and the days shorter. The leaves are changing and falling from trees everywhere you look. The pumpkins are overflowing from the patches. Shorts are being replaced with long pants. The last few weeks we have been busy living. Life has been full. We are having so much fun homeschooling. We have been hanging onto what’s left of the nice weather and getting boat rides in with family. We’ve been taking nature walks and embracing football season. We had the opportunity to care for 5 newborn baby bunnies and the unfortunate event of them not making it past a week old. God had other plans for them, and us. We loved, we learnt, we let go. With eyes full of light and hearts full of hope. With a little piece ripped away from us. Not our first experience of loss and it will surly not be our last. These are the ever changing tides of life. 


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