
Showing posts from October, 2020

Before these days

This has been a week. Actually this has been a year. Sitting on the porch this morning, wrapped up in blankets and shawls, doing schoolwork, drinking coffee, listening to the rain come down, taking in the fresh air before it's to cold to sit outside and enjoy it.  I’m finally feeling better, but we got the terrible news that my father in law's brother passed away in the hospital related to COVID complications on Wednesday morning. I only met him a few times, but he was always so great. He was a former professional clown in the Ringling Bros circus, so the kids of course gravitated to him begging for tricks. He was a fellow nurse and just a great man all around. A fun man. A kind man. I know he will be missed by so many. This disease is hitting to close to home, it infested my home and my family. Hold your loved ones close. Stay safe, for them, to be with them.  We were all pretty excited for Halloween, even though we only planned on trick or treating to families houses since we

These days

The last few weeks. Spent recovering from illness, quarantining, social distancing on our boat and trumping through the wilderness. Here's all the snapshots from there and around the home.