Camden is SEVEN

Beautiful golden haired boy

Nowhere near a baby anymore 

But a child 

A barefoot wild child

My shadow

Ball of endless energy and curiosity 

Short tempered


Feet sticking out the covers

Closely snuggled up to stuffed animals and soft blankets 

Endless Legos

Reptile and puppy lover 

Strong willed

Forever never staying still

Six still feels kind of small, but seven, seven seems so big. No longer a little kid, but a big one. I hope you always keep your sense of wonder, excitement, curiosity, love for super heroes, sense of humor and love for your family. Your personality is so loud, no one could miss you in a room. Seven incredible years around our sun. I’ll keep holding onto the moments I’ll never get back and the kisses and wild flowers you give. When you hold my hand, I’ll hold on a little longer and tighter. It's been a stunning journey watching you grow these seven years. Of all the little boys in the world you are mine. Of all the moms in the world, I am lucky to be yours. 


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