That one time I had COVID-19

I took a COVID test......

because I usually take one once a week mandatory for working- plus I wasn't feeling so great this particular week.

It took 5 days to get my results back because they went to the wrong lab.

5 long days to find out I tested positive.

I received phone calls apologizing for the mix up.

I was confused and it was hard to process. I never had a fever. I had a cold. The same cold that other family members had and were tested negative. I was sure there was a mistake. I didn't have this deadly disease that so many are afraid of getting. We are careful. We don't go many places. We only see family. We only gather outside. 

My symptoms were mild- far from a hospital stay or ventilator. My back ached, my head was a fog and the days were lost together. I had congestion and fatigue, a nonstop headache, nausea. Loss of taste, smell and appetite. Tight chest and coughing. There were a few days that were hard. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to. 

My body is still healing after 14 + days. I'm weak and get tired easily and have some reminisce of other symptoms. We will be home resting and healing. So glad for a strong immune system and my high tolerance to pain to kick COVID's butt right out the door! 

This is week three. I'm feeling almost back to normal today. Our most recent tests were negative. We've quarantined and been a lot more careful. Ready to be back to normal! Ready for the world to be back to normal. It's hard to believe, but in 4 months, it will be a year that we have all been living with this disease in our lives. This has been life the last 8 months and it still doesn't feel normal. 


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