The last few weeks. Spent recovering from illness, quarantining, social distancing on our boat and trumping through the wilderness. Here's all the snapshots from there and around the home.
While I’m out and down with a spell of something that I’m hoping isn’t bronchitis or lead to pneumonia- negative for the flu, COVID and RSV at least, I figured I’d come try and write a little. I’ve been so weak and tired and out of sorts. I’ve read two books this week and started my third. As spring turns over to summer. The temperatures rise. The rain falls. The grass grows tall. The bugs crawl from their hiding places. The people emerge from their homes, ready to fling open the windows and take in the spring breeze to cleanse the winter blues and dust from their homes. The kids are shooed outside to soak up the fresh air and sunshine. The radio plays our favorite songs. There’s the unmistakable sound of the hose being turned on. Shoes are abandoned in a chaotic pile near the front door and long forgotten. Barefoot running throug...
It’s February!! - well the end anyways!!! The shortest month. Last week we woke up to heavy snow pounding down. This time of year is always deceitful, just when we think our part of the world is that much closer to spring- the temps drop to chilling and a blizzard hits. Heavy snow that lasts until the sun shines bright each day and slowly melts away. At least there has been sunshine! Wonderful, wonderful sunshine that helps us survive through these dark months and guides us back into the light. We've been doing a lot of house cleaning and greenhouse visits. Monday and Tuesday there was no school, so we hung out, were lazy, cooked good food. I started writing this as the kids skated around in circles at the ice rink. It was the last day open for the season. When things come to an end, they make room for new beginnings- like spring of course! But now, I’m finishing writing this a few days later. It was a short week, but it feels soooo long. We are ready for the weekend! ...
“It’s March. I open the window and Spring floats in, kisses me on the nose. I have waited so long- and now the sun is washing the world in yellow, and now the seeds sprout green in the dirt, and now the trees are budding and ready to bloom- and it was all so worth it.” ~Schuyler Peck, Worth the Wait
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