
Showing posts from November, 2020

Dear Grandpa,

Dear Grandpa (GG-Pa),  It's a heavy day. I feel the weight of grief for my family on my shoulders. I’ve been searching for the words, but I keep coming up short. So I turn to writing. Writing what’s in my heart, what’s in my mind, what I can’t untangle. So I write and try to make sense of it all. Nothing I say will even begin to describe the person you were. You are the only grandpa I physically knew in this world. The smile, the jokes, the bear hugs, your generosity. You are, will and always have been in my thoughts. I hope you are at peace and having some crazy adventure to heaven that we will hear about some day. We love you and will see you on the other side to be wise asses together, you’re probably laughing at me right now for being sappy. I know you, along with all our other loved ones we have lost along the way are looking down on us smiling. Always smiling. I never imagined we would lose so many people we care about in such a few short years. We grow older everyday and tim

Halloween 2020

 Halloween!!!!  Halloween looked a lot different this year, but all the same it revolved around the kids and making it fun for them- as it should of course. These will certainly be times they will remember from their childhood. We went to our seaport where they were having a parade so the kids could dress up! My sister in law and her family came as well. We didn't go trick or treating, so the kids wouldn't have been able to dress up for any other reason. The parade was nice going around the seaport. Then we went home and had chicken wings, apple cider, lots of candy and watched scary movies way way way past bedtime. One little middle child boy couldn't sleep after that so he crawled into bed next to me and passed right out in my arms while his siblings slept on the couch.


 What a wonderful weekend we got to enjoy!  The weather was 70 degrees, sunny and just perfect! It was such a tease because we know colder weather will be approaching upon us soon. Both days this weekend we were out of the house by 9am and didn't get home until way after dark. It was a very full, long, fun weekend and we spent it all outside! Saturday morning dad surprised us by taking us to run around, feed and pet two adorable little piglets. We fed them apples and pumpkin. Then we went for a wonderful boat ride with two of the brothers and a pretty lady.  Later in the day we got to celebrate my beautiful sister in laws 17th years around our sun! I hope she feels spoiled by everyone that loves her.  Sunday we went and picked the kids up from sleeping over at grandma's house and then went and helped another brother take his boat through the ocean from one marina to the one our boat is docked at. It was a very nice ride with both our families. Once we got back to our marina, my