Happy 9th Birthday to you, Kieran


Life gets so busy in the month of December. 


On December 23rd, we put everything aside,

We step away from the noise of the world for a little while, 

we slow down for the day and we celebrate and spoil you. 

Sweet child of my heart. You have made it 9 years around the sun. 

Our shy, sweet, distracted, empathetic middle child. 

Always thinking of others first.

Watching tears roll down your cheeks on a sad part of the movie.

Always willing to help out.

The biggest smile holder, you get that from your dad. 

The kind of smile that makes your eyes light up and the people around you can't help but smile as well. 

Our tall, green eyed 3rd grader. 

You love so deep. 

You are loved a ton, more than you'll ever know or understand. 

Your absence is always felt in this house when you are away. 

The year hasn't been entirely sunshine and rainbows,

But you always show up with a positive, contagious attitude.

So with a belly full of your favorite food of pizza and wings, as you blow out your 9 candles on top of your cake today, I hope all your wishes come true! 


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