
Showing posts from 2021

Christmas 2021

“I plan, prep, organize and spend countless hours making sure Christmas is a little magical for my children. Tonight, I go to bed. Exhausted. Sore. Content. And hopeful…. Hopeful that next year there will still be a little bit of magic with the people I love, but realizing that the people I love, are who actually create the magic.”   This Christmas was tough. Dad was sick in bed all day. On his favorite holiday. He got up and tried to open presents with us, but didn’t get very far.  Making Christmas happen by myself with three kids and all new toys and games to open and play with was no easy feat. I cooked prime rib and lobsters on my own for the very first time. I mashed potatoes and answered phone calls. I made sure dad got Tylenol every 4 hours to keep his fever away. I tucked him in and gave him his new pillow Santa brought him. I made him tea, I rapid tested him (negative) and must have climbed the set of stairs 10000 times that day to check on him in between orders from tiny peop

A decade of you!!

SCREAMING Happy double digit birthday to one of my mini best friends!!! One of the four chambers of my heart.  A decade of you!! One of the sweetest little guys I know!!! Always thinking of others and willing to help in any way he can! Life isn’t always easy, but loving you has always been!! You fit perfectly right in the middle of our family! I love you to the furthest moon and back!! He really really wanted new jeans for his birthday, so that's exactly what he got. 

Santa's village 2021

 Santa's village was a blast! Have you ever been? This was our first time going, we were not sure what we were in for. It was cold, but a lot of fun and it snowed the entire day which made it so magical!