

Cold, dreary winter is coming to an end.

One step closer to the sound, the smell, the feel of spring! 

9 more days until it’s officially spring!!!

Oh how I have missed the warmth of the sunshine,

The colors of the plants and leaves growing on the trees.

The smell of the flowers blooming, reaching for the sky, stretching from a long winter's sleep.

The feel of the dirt, grass, sand underneath bare feet. 

Catching bunnies out of the corner of your eye running through the yard. 

I had a horrible weekend at work.

It's exhausting staying positive and hanging onto something that eats at your soul. Being one person, you can only do so much. It took me all day Monday to recover and get over my anxiety. 

The weather this week has more than made up for the crappy weekend and has lifted my spirits. It's been so beautiful out. AND we surprised the kids with a sweet little blue heeler puppy who has stolen our hearts- and of course my bed and my sleep. The week before we got a hamster, I wasn't expecting to get a puppy, but things happen when you least expect them, so we have two new pets. Tuesday we hung out and cooked out with friends in the 60 degree weather! It was a good day, we all really needed it. We ate burgers and went for a walk through the fields. We even saw deer running by. Today we rest. It feels like we have just been rushing around the last two days. We need a day of deep spring cleaning and rest. So we will do that the rest of the week. 

Pictures from the last month.......



Mardi Gras 


ice skating


homemade pop tarts

and lots of animal loves.


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