Father’s Day Weekend 2021

We had an amazing weekend out on the water. 
Two nights and two days.

We had a quieter Father's Day than we have had the past few years. 

We took the kids to sleep on the boat. We fell asleep to the sound of waves lapping against the side of the boat (yes we could actually sleep this time). It was sorta tranquil this time.

We woke up to the sun skimming across the calm, untouched ocean covering. Not yet disturbed for the day. 
Children begging to jump in and swim first thing as soon as they rise- and we let them. 

We had coffee.
We cooked bacon, eggs, and pancakes Sunday for Father's day breakfast. 

The weekend was full of food, hot sun, cool wind and sunkissed kids swimming in the salty ocean water.

Today, Monday- is my mom's birthday. So today we celebrated her. We brought her cupcakes, flowers and presents on her lunch break at work.



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