
Showing posts from January, 2022

Blizzard 2022

7:30am Little feet Jumping from bed Running on the hard wood floor to the window Ripping the curtains to the side  And hollering.  Deep snow covering the world. Wind whipping.  Projecting snow from roof tops. A Saturday snow day!  A magical wonderland.  A blizzard of white.  The house filling up with smells of homemade waffles, bacon and coffee. Followed by soup smells and brownies from the oven. Boots and wet snowy clothes leave a trail from the door cluttering the hallway. Enjoying the stillness of the day. Empty streets.  Sounds of people clearing snow in the distance.  Not guilty there is nowhere to be, but right here tucked away safe at home. 

January days

Bleak, dreary winter is upon us. The days between New Years and spring that seem to never end. Cold, dark, absent of life and color.  When the sun shines after days gone it seems like a new world.  When curling up in your bed with a good book and warm tea seems like the best option to pass the day,  But then you remember you have three kids that need entertaining because it’s to cold to go outside.  So we go swim at the inside pool and get some built up energy out, exercise and stay active. We go for walks when the weather allows. We go go-carting. We ice skate. We learn and read and imagine, we learn how to use our inside voices and that the furniture isn’t a jungle gym. We cook wholesome meals and eat together. When it snows we build snowmen and go sledding.  I do read when time allows. I have a 50 book goal this year. I'm already onto book 5 for the year! I can’t ever seem to put those thriller books down!  I've been trying to eat cleaner and I feel great! On top of swimming

New Year’s Eve 2021

We watched 2021 burn away into the night....... "We will open the book. It's pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."- Edith Lovejoy Pierce I'm not sure what I ask for in this new year. I'm not one for resolutions and there’s not much that I don’t have that I need.  I ask for more endless happiness and good health.  I ask for adventure and traveling. I ask for less anxiety that I've been trying to keep at bay. I ask for healing from the past.  I ask for lots of memories.  I ask for laugher through the new year.  I ask that my children always know how loved and cared for they are and always know where to turn and who to turn to.  This year is simple.  I want to focus on self love, keeping us all active and surround myself with the ones I love and hold onto tight.  The littlest guy and I were the only ones that made it to ring in the new year til midnight. Then we s