Camden is nine!!


Am I counting right?!
I knew I shouldn’t have blinked, not even for a second.

Today this boy turns nine!!
The boy who stole my heart and ran all the way to the end zone with it.

This year seems so important and big, the year before double digits.
My heart swells.

Halfway to adulthood.

It’s such a pleasure to watch you grow the last 9 years. From taking your very first breath into this world, to walking, but more like running because I don’t think you’ve ever walked a day in your life. From riding your first bike, to making your first touchdown. I couldn’t be any prouder to be your mama!

This year, I hope I can slow down and appreciate the miracle of you just a little longer and live more in the moments I have left.

Screaming Happy Ninth Birthday to you Camden Joseph!!!
Loving you has always came easy

“Little boys can test your patience, run you ragged and make you want to pull your hair out. But they will also melt your heart with just one look and make you wonder how you ever existed without them.”


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