
Showing posts from November, 2022

November Meddling

It’s been awhile since I’ve collected my thoughts, memories, my heart here.  We are all well!! So well. We are good and healthy and happy!  We celebrated thanksgiving with our families after the yearly thanksgiving HS rivalry football game. Seems like just yesterday we were anticipating the slow arrival of summer, but here we are with summer days past too quickly turning into fall and now almost winter.  We held onto the last golden rays of summer sun like the trees now hang onto those last color changing leaves that haven’t let go. The sunlight disappears earlier and earlier from the sky.  We dreaded the first day of school. We dreaded the first day of fall.  I wasn’t ready to exchange my sun-kissed skin for sweaters, shoving my feet into covered shoes. So many beautiful memories made. Summer has this sense of freedom and carefreeness you can’t explain. Loud, fast memories flying by like a carousel ride. Now, time starts to slow down and grow quieter. Back to the rhythm and structure.