New Year and Winter Break 2023

I cannot believe it is already the 11th of January. 11 days of this new year. 

“New Year’s Eve. The evening of little miracles. Peel away the exploding fireworks, roaring countdowns and ridiculous resolutions and what you are left with is hope. Small human hope. The hope of better days, of fresh starts and perhaps, if you are very lucky, a kiss” 
~ beau taplin 

We brought in the new year with some of our household sick, it’s gotta be good luck right? 

Still over here cleaning and recovering and reeling from Christmas. There is still candy, cookies in tins and presents thrown in corners that need unboxing, playing with and to find homes. It’s the Christmas hang over. It’s been a slow process here. Today, I’m feeling inspired to clean, organize and rearrange our home after battling some kinda painful, invisible illness that lasted three days that took its toll on my entire body and mind. But today, today I woke up feeling much better and the sun is shining and I’m so thankful for both those things. I’ll be in the kitchen cleaning, making meatballs for dinner, finishing up my big cup of ice coffee and dancing while the silly boys laugh and finish up school. 

This was our wonderful winter break minus a trip to Boston that deserves its own post! 


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