Spring Staycation

Open windows letting fresh spring air sift through and cleanse this house. Bright sunshine bursting in! Life sprouting. This is what we’ve been waiting for. The season shifting, breaking open to make room for new life to grow. Summer is just around the corner again! We’ve been busy soaking in the outside world. Walks, collecting worms. Our spring break staycation is almost at an end, it started last Friday (Good Friday) and here it is Friday again and kids start school back up on Monday. The last two days have been like summer, so glad for them! We’ve been outside- a lot. We celebrated Easter. We had a cookout. We went to the movies to see the Mario Bros. We jumped on trampolines with sprinkles. We picnicked. We planted seeds. We had family time because we didn’t have play rehearsals or anything else to occupy our evenings. Hope you all enjoyed your spring break whether it be this week, last or next, whether you stayed home or took a trip!