
It’s a sunny spring morning in Brambly Hedge! May days. It’s the end of May, but just the beginning of a lot of things. The days go by fast, but they are so very well spent soaking in all the sweetness that spring gifts to us. The lilacs and phlox have came and gone. Veggies are now bursting from vines and the soil. Fair skin turns to sun kissed skin and freckles. Outdoor silence turns into the soundtrack of summer with laughter and screams from barefoot children. We’ve been celebrating birthdays, end of April brother in law’s wedding, Mother’s Day, picking flowers, cheering our favorite little athletes on, watching our favorite people perform on stage, Memorial Day first boat ride and cook out and we finished up school! While life is mostly good, there is always the frustration in the things you cannot change that bury themselves deep inside of you until you’re ready to take a deep breath, decide it’s really not your problem, you cannot control other...