I write.

What an absolutely beautiful life. 

Sitting on our front porch with my head on your shoulder, you turn to me and say “look at this little life we’ve built.” 💕 

It’s been almost 7 months since I last blogged, so many times I wrote and never finished. I'm always writing. Always writing whats in my heart or mind. I write to express myself, whether it be my wedding vows or about my son's football team winning the youth Super Bowl . I twist and turn the words until they make sense and are ready for me to share out into the world. I used to paint, scrapbook, write poetry and have a ton of other hobbies to pass the time, but for now I just write and take as many pictures as I can. I'm busy building life, homemaking, home schooling, working when I do, trying to be a good wife, daughter, sister, friend and raising my three children- and that to me is the most beautiful poetic thing I can think of. 

Someday, there will be time to paint, to travel, but right now, I'm exactly where I'm needed. 

Life has been busy- really really good, but busy and has no slowing down in sight. 

When I last wrote- the lilacs were blooming from the branches, life was sprouting and the days were getting long and now the days are short, dark, cold. We just celebrated Christmas and are waiting for the first snowfall. 

The summer days are long gone with the last drop of golden sun and a silent promise that we’ll meet again. 

The best thing I’ve done the last few months for myself and my family was really let go of the things I cannot change. I took control over who has access to me and it’s been inmeasurable. I am at peace.

In a few short days we will be bringing in the New Year. We go to a huge annual bonfire, burn the old year away and bring in the new, then on New Year’s day we take a short beach walk.  

Summer was full of chasing sunsets and waves, gobbling up lobsters and other good food and drinks, playing in the rain and we finally did the thing, made it official and got married!! 

We recovered from a badly sprained ankle, horrible bees stings and a severe case of poison ivy- but nothing that salt water couldn't cure.

Fall was the rainiest fall as far as I can recall. 

October was full of rowing races and football games and our youngest son's birthday!

Long days and cold nights. 

Birthdays and date nights. 

Pumpkins, ghosts and good friends. 

Forest walks and soaking in sunbeams.

Homeschool and unschool. 

The most beautiful sunsets and comfort food. 

And learning how to let go just as the leaves do. 

November crawled silently in and brought sunshine. 

Warm days, but still cold nights that turn into cold mornings. 

The crinkle of leaves.

The quite empty streets.

The pellet stove running and making wooden floors warm. The electric fireplace lit up with a glow.

Football and rowing ended and basketball began.

Always something to keep little hands and minds busy. 

December flew by with the bustle of finding the perfect Christmas tree and gifts and celebrating our middle son's birthday.

The chill of winter will be slowly creeping into my bones, a chill that I won't be able to shake until the warm summer days are back. 

Here's to a wonderful New Year ahead!!


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