Spring ahead


While I’m out and down with a spell of something that I’m hoping isn’t bronchitis or lead to pneumonia- negative for the flu, COVID and RSV at least, I figured I’d come try and write a little. I’ve been so weak and tired and out of sorts. I’ve read two books this week and started my third. 

As spring turns over to summer. The temperatures rise. The rain falls. The grass grows tall. The bugs crawl from their hiding places. The people emerge from their homes, ready to fling open the windows and take in the spring breeze to cleanse the winter blues and dust from their homes. The kids are shooed outside to soak up the fresh air and sunshine. The radio plays our favorite songs. There’s the unmistakable sound of the hose being turned on. Shoes are abandoned in a chaotic pile near the front door and long forgotten. Barefoot running through the grass. Children’s laughter and dogs barking stream through the warm air and grilled food wafts by your nose. 

We are absolutely excellent over here (besides being sick). And we are absolutely looking forward to all the summer memories we are going to make this year. And I am absolutely ready to feel well again. Being sick is not my jam at all. 

May flew by in a heartbeat. I waited and waited for my lilacs to bloom so I could take some cuttings and surround my home with them, but I did not get that chance. One day I was waiting for them to fully bloom- there they were, then so much rain for days and the lilacs washed away with the rain drops. 


I’ve taken a break from nursing and have been helping the husband at his shop in the afternoons. We expanded so he needed the help. Business is thriving! It’s been such a busy season for us and I honestly just think it’s going to stay that way. It’s nice working along side him (most the time lol). 

We’ve been finishing up school-little over two weeks left! We enjoyed a Mother’s Day picnic, and memorial day picnic. We marched in a St Patrick's Day parade. We watched the eclipse with the rest of the world. I received hand picked daffodils from my husband. We celebrated our oldest turning 15 and best friends graduating college! We row- came in 3rd in the state! We sail and play lacrosse. And we met some trolls in the park. June is packed with graduations, birthdays and so many other events. 

We watch the sunset on each new day and I get to be here to cook my family dinner, tell them goodnight and fall asleep next to my husband whom I adore, all within our beautiful home and the life we’ve built that I’m so proud of. 


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